The development of Yuhua Stone

The pebbles are precious gems formed by the mixture of quartz, chalcedony and vermiculite or opal, also known as the rain flower agate. According to the legend, in the Liang Dynasty before 1,400 years ago, a Yunguang Master spoke in the southern suburbs of Nanjing. He was moved by the sky, the flowers fell like rain, and the rain fell to the stone, so it was called Yuhua Stone. The lecture was renamed Yuhuatai. The idiom "the sky is falling" is coming from this legend.

According to the geologists, the pebbles are formed between 2.5 million and 1.5 million years ago. The earth magma is ejected from the earth's crust, flowing around, leaving holes after solidification, and the trickle flows into the rock inside the hole. The silica is slowly separated and gradually deposited into a mixture of quartz, chalcedony and vermiculite or opal. The color and pattern of the stone are the inclusions in the process of gradually separating and continuously depositing the colorless transparent silica. Carefully appreciate the rain stone, which contains mountains and rivers, figures, fairy goddesses, flowers, birds and insects, colorful, and varied. People love to put them in the water, and they are set in the study, the desk, and they are elegant things.

The formation of Yuhua Stone has formed three complex and long stages of primary formation, secondary transportation and sedimentary gravel layer. It can also be said that it has experienced the vicissitudes of life. Yuhuashi, a natural flower agate, is mainly produced in Liuhe District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, and is the country's largest source of rain stone. The quality, shape, pattern, color, imagery and artistic conception of the produced Yuhua Stone are both acclaimed as "the godsend national treasure and the Chinese one."

The beautiful Yuhua stone has been appreciated and collected for thousands of years. In recent years, the ancient style has been revived. Yuhua Stone has been favored by domestic and foreign people, and has become a precious gift for friends, relatives, appreciation and collection... Yuhua Stone is a unique beauty stone in China. Among the thousands of strange stones, it is the leader of the Queen of Stone. When it comes to the rain stone, the first thing about the rain stone is a myth about the rain stone: It is said that there is a rain flower view on the rain flower stage in ancient times, and there is a rain flower in the rain flower view. rain

The flower is really dignified and wise, and it is deeply hidden. He quietly sat quietly and preached, as if he was a mysterious ancient book. One day, Yuhua lived on the altar. The whispers of great meaning, hanging river water, exploring the source, coughing and beading, the charm of character and wisdom shocked many people and even moved the gods of the gods. The joyous gods ordered a colorful rain. The colorful rain is more than a shoulder-to-shoulder, like a long scroll of rice bran in the Palace Museum. The rain hits the rain table, and one grain turns into an agate-like stone.

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