Success must-have book: what is the feng shui office

Whether it is senior government officials or grassroots leaders, whether it is a small shop owner or a large company manager, the leader’s office and office desk are crucial. Because the auspicious location of the gas field has a certain degree of help for the courage and wisdom of people, which in turn affects the rise and fall of business and the success or failure of a business.

So how will office furniture be placed?

Place the desk, there are two points to pay attention to:

One must be careful not to face the front of the desk facing the door.

Second, we must pay attention to people sitting behind the desk to have a wall of trust, can not have extra emptiness.

Avoiding the writing desk to face the door is mainly to prevent the leader from being exposed to noise from outside the door and being peeked at by others when he is working; avoiding excess emptiness after the writing desk is mainly to make business at the desk. The business operators reduce the emptiness and ambiguity behind themselves and increase their reliability.

Business Feng Shui Office Feng Shui Knowledge Windows Housing Furniture Space Feng Shui Office Feng Shui Housing Feng Shui Office Furniture

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