1 pharmaceutical additives
In China's breeding environment, the use of pharmaceutical additives in suckling pigs is necessary. According to the relevant regulations and announcements of the Ministry of Agriculture of China, the currently available pharmaceutical additives are virginiamycin, bacitracin zinc, and bacterium sulfate. , nosiheptide, agonist, enramexin, olaquindox, oxytetracycline, chlortetracycline, salinomycin, etc. In the past, manufacturers used to use antibiotics excessively. Although it has preventive effects on diarrhea and other diseases, it can also destroy beneficial bacteria in the intestines and damage the functions of the digestive tract. Especially in the intestinal mucosal damage of piglets, it is very serious. In the later stage of growth, it can be seen that the daily weight gain will decline. In addition, the addition of various antibiotics will also produce stronger drug-resistant strains, making the disease control of the culture more difficult.
2 high copper, high zinc
Do not use high zinc when using high copper; instead, high copper is not required when using high zinc. In addition, high copper, high zinc and pharmaceutical additives have synergistic effects. When used, the dosage of high copper and high zinc should not be too high, and it is not necessary. The use of high copper promotes the redox reaction of feed ingredients, and high copper also inhibits proteases. At present, the use of high copper and high zinc must comply with the new national laws and regulations, so we must use high copper and high zinc cautiously.
3 Addition of acidifier
In order to reduce the acidity of the stomach after weaning, the addition of acidifier in the diet of weaned piglets can help kill some harmful microorganisms (E. coli, Salmonella, Clostridium welchii) and promote the growth of beneficial microorganisms. Lactobacillus, yeast), reduce the content of harmful microorganisms in the digestive tract, thereby effectively reducing the rate of diarrhea, partially replacing antibiotics; on the other hand, it can activate pepsinogen and increase the activity of pepsin, thereby increasing the digestibility of nutrients.
4 Addition of enzyme preparations
As a kind of protein, enzyme is a natural product of microbial fermentation. It has not been artificially synthesized so far, so there are no drawbacks of synthetic chemicals, and it is called "natural" or "green" additives. Cellulose substances in plant diets can promote the flow of dry matter in the diet, reduce the utilization of energy in the ileum and feces, and hinder the digestion and absorption of protein, starch, and fat nutrients. The addition of exogenous non-starch polysaccharide enzyme can effectively degrade such anti-nutritional substances and promote the digestion and absorption of nutrients. It not only saves feed costs, but also saves space for feed formulation, so exogenous enzyme preparations have become an important additive in the modern feed industry. In addition, the addition of endogenous digestive enzymes (trypsin, pancreatic lipase, and pancreatic amylase) to feeds for the deficiency of animal digestive enzyme secretion is also important for promoting animal growth and reducing diarrhea rate. Due to the different mechanisms of endogenous digestive enzymes and exogenous digestive enzymes, the combination of endogenous enzymes and exogenous enzymes for production is of great significance for controlling the stress of weaned piglets.
5 Probiotics and their products application
Weaning stress often disrupts the micro-ecological balance of the intestine. Enterotoxic E. coli proliferates rapidly, producing a large amount of toxins. Toxins stimulate the intestinal mucosa. Intestinal peristalsis increases diarrhea. Therefore, maintaining intestinal balance is an important method to prevent and treat diarrhea. The effect of bacteria on reducing the rate of diarrhea is on the one hand, which can reduce the content of harmful microorganisms in the digestive tract through the occupancy effect; on the other hand, the digestive enzymes produced by the probiotics, the antibacterial peptides are harmful to the nutrients and anti-nutritional factors in the feed. The inhibition of bacteria also plays an important role.
6 nucleic acid addition
Piglets are in a period of rapid growth and development, so the demand for nutrients is very high, including nucleic acids; however, weaned piglets are in a serious shortage of nucleotides because of their high nucleotide requirements and nucleosides. The intake of acid and synthetic nucleotide precursors is very low, so the addition of nucleotides to the feed has important physiological significance for weaned piglets. Due to the high content of yeast nucleic acid and the mature fermentation and recovery technology of yeast, most of the nucleic acids used in production research are yeast nucleic acids.
Fuonce-Lighting , https://www.szfuoncelighting.com