Safe use of herbicides and countermeasures for phytotoxicity

In agricultural production, pesticides have many problems, and the number of complaints is large, which is herbicides. Scientific use of chemical weeding can not only effectively control weeds, improve quality and yield, but also save a lot of weeding labor and reduce labor intensity. However, if improperly used, crop plants will be burnt and yellow, and growth will stop; in severe cases, plants will die and economic losses will be severe. Only by correctly summarizing the reasons why herbicides are prone to phytotoxicity in production, and to master their safe use methods, can ensure the safe and reliable use of herbicides. Therefore, the author summarizes the experience of various parties in various places, and has a slight opinion on the problems existing in the use of herbicides, the safe use methods and the main treatment measures for herbicides.
The problem of the use of a herbicide and the cause of its phytotoxicity 1. Improper use of herbicides for different agricultural materials. Mainly some farmers do not understand the performance of herbicides, professional agricultural materials, and methods of use. Blind abuse leads to phytotoxicity. For example, rapeseed herbicides are used for wheat weeding, corn herbicides are used in rice, herbicides used in transplanting fields, for live field, throwing fields, etc. 2. Do not apply according to the herbicide label instructions. If you want to apply the herbicide according to the prescribed dosage, some increase the dosage, some application is not uniform, and the herbicide is required to be used for post-emergence herbicide weeding. 3. Incorrect choice of application time. Many farmers apply the medicine when it is exposed to high temperature, strong sunlight, dry air, rainy days or when the dew is not dry. It is easy to cause phytotoxicity; it is easy to cause phytotoxicity when the rice is used during the sensitive period of herbicide. 4. The herbicide is not applied in accordance with scientific methods. Many farmers do not carefully read the instructions before using the herbicide, and do not operate as required. For example, if you use herbicides such as Heda Zhuang and butyl benzyl, there must be a shallow layer of water in the paddy field. The water depth should not be exposed to the mud at high places, and the leaves of the seedlings should not be flooded at the lower part, and the water should be kept for 5-7 days. If you do not follow the required method, it is easy to cause phytotoxicity. 5. Uneven spray herbicides. Chemical herbicides with poor wettability are prone to precipitation. Many farmers do not shake the bottles when applying the medicine, resulting in uneven spraying. If the concentration of the lower layer is too high, it is easy to cause phytotoxicity. 6. Intentional poisoning, resulting in phytotoxicity. This situation is quite special. In recent years, deliberate poisoning has occurred, resulting in more phytotoxicity. Generally, due to disputes between farmers, the other party secretly applied herbicides, causing serious phytotoxicity.
The safe use of the herbicides is the safest to use before the seedlings. Chemical weeding, mostly using soil treatment, but must be used before or after sowing according to the labeling requirements, the timing of the application should be good in the weeding stage of weeding. This can avoid or reduce the pollution and residue of the crop on the crop. Second, the soil should be fine and moist as well. When the herbicide treats the soil, the soil requires that the soil surface be flat, finely divided and moist, so that not only can the application uniformity be ensured, but also the favorable conditions for the weed germination can be created, so that the weeds can be germinated uniformly, thereby achieving a drug to kill most of the time. The purpose of weeds is to improve the effect of weeding. Third, you must choose the right time to apply. It is generally good to use chemical herbicides during the germination of weeds. However, when the weeds grow to 9-10 cm or after tillering, the effect is poor or even ineffective. Therefore, weed control should be carried out during the weeding stage of weeds. Fourth, we must cover the soil in a timely and strict manner. Some chemical herbicides, such as trifluralin, are volatile, and should be covered immediately after application to ensure control. Some herbicides are easy to decompose and fail to be exposed to sunlight. Therefore, cover the soil immediately after administration. Five should spray evenly. Chemical herbicides with poor wettability are prone to precipitation. Therefore, it is necessary to shake frequently when spraying to ensure uniform spraying, otherwise the concentration of the lower layer of liquid is too high, which may cause phytotoxicity. Sixth, it is necessary to reduce the amount of medication in the facility cultivation area. The soil cultivated in protected areas and other facilities has high temperature and high humidity, and the effect is fast and high. Therefore, the dosage should be reduced by 20% to 30% compared with the vegetable field in the open field, so as not to cause phytotoxicity in vegetables. Seven should use herbicides alternately. Long-term single use of a herbicide weed is prone to resistance, and alternate use of drugs can improve the herbicidal effect. Eight should use a herbicide with a short duration. Depending on the variety and length of the growing season, it is generally preferred to use a herbicide with a suitable shelf life to reduce the time of residual contamination and ensure safety. Otherwise it will easily cause phytotoxicity in the next season.
The main treatment measures for the herbicides of the three herbicides 1. Repeated irrigation and washing the fields to dilute the detoxification. The irrigating of the medicinal damage caused by excessive application of the drug can dilute the detoxification and reduce the phytotoxicity. 2. Detoxification with a suitable antidote. Depending on the nature of the phytotoxicity, appropriate drugs may be used for detoxification. Some plant growth regulators can act as antidote to herbicides. If you spray a moderate amount of "Ninety-two", you can alleviate the degree of phytotoxicity. 3. Continuous spray water washing seedlings. Due to the use of excessive concentration or excessive absorption of leaf surface, it can be continuously sprayed with water to reduce the concentration of the drug on the plant. 4. Pursue quick-acting fertilizer. Timely removal of the damaged leaves, increased application of manure, manure, urea and other quick-acting fertilizers can promote plant root development and regeneration of new leaves. 5. Spray foliar fertilizer. Foliar spray fertilizer, plant absorption is fast. If 0.1-0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate or phosphorus potassium concentrate, spray Shibao, etc. are used for foliar application, it can promote the development of rice roots and restore growth as soon as possible. 6. For heavier phytotoxics, targeted remedial measures should be taken immediately on the basis of identifying the cause of the phytotoxicity: such as early topping and heavy topping, let the remaining spider mites grow new branches, cultivate new plants, and sneeze at the same time. Suco-lactone and sodium nitrite promote growth; immediately after the phytotoxicity of rice seedlings, lime and grass ash detoxification, spray 920, foliar fertilizer to promote the growth of rice seedlings as soon as possible; in the case of sulfonylurea herbicides, Immediately spray naphthalic anhydride and alizarin lactone, and then add acid fertilizer ammonium sulfate or superphosphate to pickle. For herbicides with low mobility in the soil, such as trifluralin, it can deepen the soil, turn over the soil, promote its volatilization, dilute the residual drug with more soil, and increase the application of organic fertilizer to promote microbial degradation. . If the phytotoxicity is small, it can be replanted to replant large seeds.
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