As the saying goes: Poor couples are sad. Poor couples must live together and live, and will certainly face many inevitable troubles. Now many young people after 80 choose "naked marriage" and step into the marriage stage. Many practical problems that followed led to a serious test of the love of the naked marriage family. The following experts from the feng shui point of view, revealing that the "poor husband and wife" should pay attention to six major urine feng shui. Function assignPage() { var page = $('#page_val').val(); if (/_\d+\.html$/.test(location.href)) { location.href = location.href.replace( /_\d+\.html/, ((page == 1) && 1? '' : '_' + page) + '.html') } else if(/\/\d+\.html$/.test (location.href)) { location.href = location.href.replace(/(\d+)\.html/, ((page == 1) && 1? '$1' :'$1_' + page) + ' .html') } } $(function(){ $('#page_form').submit(function() { assignPage() return false; }) $('#page_btn').click(function(){ assignPage( ); return false; }) }) See full story
The mirror is very chilly and easy to betray in Feng Shui. If too many mirrors are in the home, it will cause the couple to spend money. This means that the couple is extravagant and very flashy. Expenditure will exceed their income, and over time the home economy may become worse and worse.
The second post and door leaf are bent or brokenThe post is the four pillars of the door. The door leaf is the door itself. The post or the door leaf is even a bit crooked or broken. It means that the god of wealth does not come in, but the poor God comes in instead.
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